Rishabh Khosla - April 15th, 2020
DIY: Little Things You Can Do
With a Fabric Scrap or Two

Life can be a paradox sometimes: as we work from home we both have time on our hands AND are never really never off the clock. As nature resets, we too need to hit refresh.
For those handy with a needle and thread - or just handy - we may just find inspiration stowed away in corners of the house. Giving new life to small cuts of fabric, vintage textiles, or old curtains - and have some fun while we’re at it.
Always wondered at how cute the kitchens and table-tops look in the shows on netflix? Little additions, like a bread-basket or a cutlery cosy can elevate the mundane. Keep your hands safe and singe-free with impromptu pot-holders and trivets for the table.
Dunking pasta sauce all over yourself? Guess it’s time to make a chef’s apron for the ‘MasterChef’ in you! And while you are at it how about matching mittens for the oven, or handy kitchen towels - who could resist matching ‘his and hers’ hand towels for the kitchen or bathroom.
For the true Jedi Masters amongst us, one of the best ways to improve your breakfast or reading nook is with a light window curtain frill.
As we serve tipples at home, cocktail napkins to go as the drinks flow. As for the caffeine warriors, nothing like a fabric wrapped cup holder for those hot drinks or to soak up the condensation on your cold coffee!
It's not like we're going anywhere for the moment, but one can always plan ahead! Gifts that will be a fond remembrance and be useful too. A colourful print and playful buttons are all that you need for a snazzy tote for wine.
Pro tip: Monogram the initials with sequins or thread!
A Canine Comforter
Your best bud deserves a new day bed to laze. This one here is by one of our own Freedom Tree customers! #FTTribe
At times a piece of clothing a certain piece has a connection to our heritage, we frame it to create an original piece preserving a bit of history. Likewise upcycling involves reuse of left-over material in creative and innovative ways - producing original often one-of-a-kind items from what many consider to be waste.
The above fabrics were digitally printed on 100% cotton and then mounted on plywood frames by stretching them and gently nailing the fabric in place on the back.
Dolled Up!
Pick up those scissors and work some magic for your little nephews and nieces—a patchwork dohar, a cute kaftan or maybe a playful tent!
The Upcycling Life
At Freedom tree sustainable thinking is in our design and execution, we utilize leftover pieces to create little utility knick-knacks for you. A range of travel accessories from last year like the— The Perfect Pouch, The Sneaky Sack, or Totes a Tote!
Our fabric accessories and pouches are perfect to store your cords, headphones or use it as a keepsake for all the makeup and essentials. Our stores are full of little goodies to let your creative juices run free. You may spot some precious diaries and fabric coasters covered in upcycled fabric, or a tote or two too!
When things get back to normal, do visit us and pick from the wide range of fabrics available in our stores. And don’t miss our travelling “Fabrics Bazaar” where you can find precious small cuts of fabric for a steal.
As we spend time scooped up indoors, there’s always something new to do to fill up our hours. We can’t wait to hear what inspiration might strike you as you play with fabrics you might have lying around. So, look at that ‘oft-ignored’ pile with a renewed interest and see if you can give it a new lease on life.
Discover Our Wide Range of Home Fabrics
Discover a wide range of signature printed and woven fabrics at Freedomtree.in. All our prints are hand illustrated at our in-house design studio and locally printed. Use our fabrics for upholstery, curtains, blinds, and any number of the ideas in this blog.